A Matematical Lesson about Democracy...
Today we have a mathematical lesson.
It is a very easy lesson, as we will only (statistically) prove one equality. That is: Money = Electoral Win.
If you don't believe visit this site:
91%(397/434) house representatives in the US have won the election while outspending the second highest vote getter. On top of that some (36 or 8%) ran unopposed (sounds an awful lot like a single-party system...)
25/11 senators (that is 66%) were elected while outspending the second highest vote-getter.
There you go, statistics show that you have one sure way (91% for the house and 66% for the senate) to win an election. So, go out there and spend!!!
But wait, it is not enough that you have money! You have to convice your business friends to fund you... Sounds a lot like corporations actually define who wins, then... Yes, so it seems...
"Of the 29 candidates who spent $500,000 or more of their own money in 2002, only three were elected — and none of the three were political newcomers"
There you go boys and gals. Now you know. What can you do? Spread the word, make your friends understand what is behind the news-headlines! Make them know, only knowledge can help you decide fully aware of your choice. Don't get dupped, get informed! ;)
See you soon,
Your news-digest-subversive.
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