Thursday, December 30, 2004

Washington Post takes Anti-European stand in it's editorial

Europe and Turkey ( "There is reason to doubt whether most Europeans really understand the threat of Islamic extremism or agree with Americans that an overarching, generational commitment must be made to defeating it."

In this Editorial the Washington Post (WP) clearly takes an Anti-European stand by declaring that they (WP) know more about Terrorism than Europe (a continent with 1000s of years of experience iin dealing with Terrorism!). Not only that but WP disqualifies Europe from "[understanding] the threath of Islamic Terrorism", which has been on the doorstep of Europe for 1600 years (!) and has executed an attack on the core of one of Europe's capitals (Madrid, 11th March 2003) - not to mention the many religious wars that Europe and the Muslim world have fought against each other!

The WP shows itself as an Anti-European media and highly "submitted" to the "voice of the master" (Bush). This Editorial also shows that the "phantom menace" of Anti-Americanism has cretaed an adversarial position regarding Europe in the American media.

I believe that the American People is much smarter than the ignorant editorial writer in WP and will see through this propaganda understanding that even though Europe has a different way to deal with this threat, that different way is also valid!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is my opinion, that the confrontation between East and West,Europe, Israel and USA with the Islam world, is worsening ,because, democracy is dificult to impose on them, and they wont give up, their way of living with the Islamic religion, imbedded with the ruling government., not separated.

Tuesday, 16 August, 2005  

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