Monday, January 17, 2005

Bulletin: No W.M.D. Found

This is a piece of news that does not seem to be very high in the radar of the "free" press:

The New York Times > Opinion > Editorial: Bulletin: No W.M.D. Found: "he world little noted, but at some point late last year the American search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ended.

We will, however, long remember the doomsday warnings from the Bush administration about mushroom clouds and sinister aluminum tubes; the breathless reports from TV correspondents when the invasion began, speculating on when the 'smoking gun' would be unearthed; our own failures to deconstruct all the spin and faulty intelligence."

Some news outlets did report them, but this is such a monumental piece of news that it is amazing that not ALL main news outlets reported it as a major news.

After all it was because of this that we went into Iraq! Now that we know that GW lied to us (even though still about 40% of Americans believe that Iraq did have weapons of mass destruction when the US went it).

What this finally proofs is that containment was working, as the NYTimes editorial puts it: "The fact that nothing was found does not absolutely, positively prove that there wasn't something there once, something that was disassembled and trucked over the border to Syria or buried in yet another Iraqi rose garden. But it's not the sort of possibility you'd want to fight a war over. What all our loss and pain and expense in the Iraqi invasion has actually proved is that the weapons inspections worked, that international sanctions - deeply, deeply messy as they turned out to be - worked, and that in the case of Saddam Hussein, the United Nations worked. Whatever the Hussein regime once had is gone because the international community insisted. It was all destroyed a decade ago, under world pressure.

This is not a lesson that many people in power in Washington are prepared to carry away, but it is what the national adventure in the reckless doctrine of preventive warfare has to teach us."

I hope that this is a lesson that all of us will understand and follow in the future.


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