Sunday, May 07, 2006

Alienating the Palestinian Authority is not the answer

What do the European Union (EU) and the United States (USA) want to achieve by withdrawing all financial aid to the Palestinian Authority (P.A.)?
USA and EU withdrew their financial aid after Hamas' victory in this year's legitimate elections (they were supervised by the very same EU and USA).

It is quite clear that a position like that can only make the already tense relationship between Hamas and the West even worse (Hamas is listed by both EU and USA as a terrorist organization).

Today there were news of demonstrations in Indonesia with the objective of collecting donations to the P.A. I'm sure that other muslim countries will try help the P.A. as that in turn gives their governments increased popularity at home, as many Muslims see the Israel-Palestine conflict as a West-Muslim conflict.

By cutting aid to the P.A. the EU and USA are only contributing to the widening gap between the Palestinians - who now still trust the West due to their generous help - and the West.

We have to change this. The P.A. needs to be brought back to the International Community as a full member with legitimate concerns that need to be addressed just like Israel's concerns are being addressed.

The Palestinian people, just like the Israeli people deserve a solution, but alienating the P.A. is not the answer.


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