The democratic process in Iran needs peace not war
There is a common belief that Iran's government is one that is unfair to it's people and the only way they can keep in power is because they have a fascist grip on their people.
This view is what the US is trying to push about Iran. The Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made the US's job even easier by stating that Israel should be "wiped off the map" [1].
The truth is that there are many people in Iran that are against their own government and want to find their way to a democratic society as soon as possible. Today, discussing with an Iranian, that message was delivered to me very clearly. He stated: "Iranians are fed up with this government", but they want a peaceful transition to democracy. Nobody - not even the Iranian opposition - wants the US to attack Iran. If the US attacks Iran the opposition in Iran will forget that they don't like the government and unite to fight the US. An attack from the US would only create a worse situation for those that want democracy in Iran".
The message is clear, even from those that oppose the current regime in Iran. Let the Iranian people find their way to democracy in their own time.
Attacking Iran is not the solution to solve the disagreement over nuclear energy.
[1] Iranian president's public call for Israel to be "wiped off the map".
Good point Socrates. The issue you raise deserves some consideration. Is the U.S. really intersted in fostering democracy in Iran?
My point with this post is to explain why their actions (threats of military action) proove that Democracy is not their aim. I do this by explaining why threats of military action can actually jeopardize the path to Democracy that Iran is already on!
The US is itself prooving that they are NOT interested in Democracy in Iran, they are only interested in having a US-friendly government there like they are doing in Iraq or have done in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Peru and other countries in the past.
Indeed my point is: the US does not want Democracy in Iran as that may jeopardize what this administration calls (sarcastically, probably) the "national interest" of the USA.
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