Calling on Naomi Klein to set her book about Disaster Capitalism free (creative commons license)
I urge Naomi Klein (Google cache in case the site is overloaded) to make her book, The Shock Doctrine, the Rise of disaster Capitalism (Google cache), free. Free for all to read and listen to (Audiobook).
This is a book too important to be kept under the shackle of the ' (one-dollar one vote) capitalist system. This book needs to go democratic (one-person one-vote), it needs to be available to all of the people in the world that need to read it in order to avoid the real catastrophe that Disaster Capitalism describes. Their very life is at stake, as illustrated by what happened in Chile on September 11th, 1973 and the subsequent years.
I urge you, Naomi to consider the benefit to the world that this book could bring.
I cannot ask you to rescind your copyright, nor do I want to. By all means continue to sell the paper book to sustain your writing efforts, we need you to continue investigating and writing.
But consider donating the copyright to the democratic populace of the world that needs to listen to your ideas, to read your accounts that make our heart bleed with rage against the so called (and self-titled) leaders of the world.
Why not make the text (and the text only) of your book free for reproduction in or a similar site? I'm sure that in no time you would receive a large ammount of volunteer work to translate your book into many languages (see wikipedia as an example), and to bring this important information to the people that will never pick up the paperback in english or any of the major languages in which it wil, no doubt, be published.
Request donations from your site to support your future book projects (maybe even non-fiction documentaries?), continue to request payment for the paperback book, but let your text free, the world needs to listen and to read this book!
Here's to hoping that his letter has an impact.
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