Kraut has the hammer and everything he sees is a nail!
Mr Krauthammer(Op-Ed commentator for the Washington Post) apparently really sees the world as "pro" and "anti" american. This color-blindness so politically convenient (don't think it's naive!) serves one purpose: callaborate with the Bush administration in creating a "big bad wolf" outside the US borders.
This is the best way to convince all Americans that it is time to "bomb the hell out of them".
Krauthammer has transformed from a vegetal to a canibal and the world outside the US are his victims.
I suggest he changes his name to Krauthummer, that will undoubtedly be more suited to his positions and will from the start give his readers a notion of his true credibility: none!
Tomorrow's Threat ( "The great democratic crusade undertaken by this administration is going far better than most observers will admit. That's the good news. The bad news is a development more troubling than most observers recognize: signs of the emergence, for the first time since the fall of the Soviet empire, of an anti-American bloc anchored by Great Powers."